Sunday, August 21, 2011

When our Angels touch us

I had wrote on the Potter's Syndrome facebook page about my experience with with the glowing angel wings on Grace's windchimes. At one point, not to long ago, there was a discussion about receiving those "signs" and what mom's thought about them. So I shared mine.

A mommy responded to my post and said that she believed in angel signs and shared a few of her experiences with me. They are so amazing and beautiful, and the first one made me smile. I asked if I could share them. Here they are.

"I do... My son passed away nine years ago and there were many of times he made himself known. Here is one story that blew my mind away.
My daughter which was four at the time was playing with her play cell phone. I heard her talking in her room, so I walked in there and I asked her who she was talking to and she said Timothy (that is my son who passed) and I didnt think anything about it because she would talk to him all the time. About five minutes later she comes running out of her room and she was so mad she started yelling at me. I asked her what was wrong..and she goes "mom, why did you lie to me?" and I was like about what??? She goes "you told me that my cat went to raise a family that is why we dont have him anymore." (her cat died a year before that) she then goes to me...timothy just told me on the phone that he is in heaven with him. I had no idea what to say to her, i just sat there with my mouth wide open. Then I told my husband to get that phone and star 67 that number and tell his son to quit telling on mommy. But it blew me away.

Then about a year after that my husband was in a bad car accident and he wasn't wearing his seat belt, he should not be here. He said when his work truck was flying through the air ( he fell asleep at the wheel and hit an approach and flew 70 feet into the woods) he said he looked over in the other seat and seen our son sitting there and he was smiling. So my husband knew that he was going to be ok. All he got was a cat scratch on his head. The cops said that there is no way he should of walked out of there alive. The only thing left of his truck was the wheels, that was it. So, I really do believe they come in and check on us. They know how much we miss them. They will always be with us every step of the way until we have them in our arms again ♥"

Tara, your experiences are so touching.  It is comforting to know that our babies are near us. I hope this gives comfort to other moms who are also grieving their child. Thank you again for letting me share your words.

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