Saturday, March 3, 2012

My gift to Grace and Christian

Today, I finally did something I've wanted to for a very long time. I had my two angels names applied permanently to my skin. I have for many years wanted to tattoo their names "somewhere".  Some places I considered were around my wrist like a bracelet or on my inner wrists with wings... I met with my tattoo artist and threw some ideas around with him and when he showed me these angel wings I knew thats exactly what I wanted.

I did this today for them. My memorial for my little babies I miss so incredibly much. Grace's birthday just passed a few days ago and Christian's is coming up next week. This is my birthday present to them.

It still needs some touch-up work. After 3 hours of pain I was done and couldn't take anymore. I am happy with it and it makes me feel good to show the world that my two little ones WERE here for a brief moment and rocked my world.


  1. That is a beautiful gift to your two beautiful children. I have Wyatt's name on my lower back along with an angel and forget-me-not flowers in his memory and will hopefully get one for Eli within the next year and a half or so. It feels good to have something so permanent in remembrance. You did a great job!

  2. I am sooo sorry for your losses. We recently lost our daughter Emunah to Potter Syndrome in November. It was devastating. We didn't even know that such a condition existed. We posted her story on our blog, God bless you, I pray that Jesus comforts you.
