Saturday, February 5, 2011

My 6th baby...

My darling Emma was 4 years old when I found out I was pregnant. We weren't planning on having another baby, but here I was expecting again. My kids were happy to add another sibling to the bunch and my daughter Emma was beyond thrilled about having a baby sister to play and grow up with.

The time waiting for the first ultrasound was filled with many belly kisses. Emma talked to her sister, via my growing belly, about all the fun they would have together, sharing her toys with her, teaching her to dance, being in a "girls-only" club, etc. Never did a night go by without Emma hugging her baby sister and whispering "I love you's, goodnight and I can't wait to see you".

I remember several times, Emma slipping under the covers to have a "private conversation" with my belly, "sister's only", she would say. I couldn't wait to see them together. I was more excited about that than anything.

I was very excited for Emma and the idea of her having a baby to nurture and a sister to bond with. My two boys are two years apart, they grew up as best friends and at ages 14 and 16, still are. 

She loves her baby dolls. She cares and loves them as much as a mommy does her own child. When we would see a baby out in public, church or even on tv, she would just melt.

We were awaiting the ultrasound. The thought or worry of another Potter Baby didn't even enter my mind. Everything was so perfect, and the doctor did say "It was a fluke and would never happen again".

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